Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
The Economic Crisis: Over 100 years ago, when T.L.A. was first formed, the planets formed an alliance. It was their form of the Renaissance, and they desired to trade materials, culture, and ideas. Each became strongly linked and depended on each other economically, including one planet called Gurrot. Redenfran, the assembly leader at the time, made the reckless discussion of using this bond for selfish reasons. He wanted to make Gurrot the strongest of all the planets and wanted to absorb the resources for himself. By sabotaging his allies, he crashed their economy, and like a domino effect, forced the rest of The Luminary to collapse. Gurrot went down with it, and became the poorest planet in the ring.
Easiest way to understand The Economic Crisis is picturing if China went under. Imagine how that may or may not affect the rest of the world.