Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Aex (Alex Hall): Aex is a survivor of the destruction of Aeon. Before the world went away, he was a smart boy that had a vast knowledge of engineering and computers. He worked at his father's garage until he was moved to the city at the age of 16. Shortly after, the world ended and he was picked up by The Eye. He then went to RubenDies where he started to participate in hacking planets illegally. On his file he has stolen over 100,000 highly classified government files. Rumor has it that he is looking into the story of the fall of Earth, Aeon, and now Pearl. He wants to know what exactly happened and why.
He is a wanted felon and would be sentenced to death if caught by government officials.
[More will be written about Aex. Right now it would be spoiling the story.]